planDisney: Our Top Face Covering Tips

Comfortable shoes…check! Shorts and bathing suits…check! Mickey ears and face coverings… heck! Now when you are packing for your Walt Disney World Resort face coverings are as important as the comfy shoes you bring. Today the planDisney panelists are here with some timely tips on selection of face coverings, how many you need, and yes, even tips on how to get that stylish teenager to enjoy wearing a mask!

Choices, choices, and a few more choices are what Lauren recommends. Just as you don’t want to wear the same shirt each day, neither do your family members want to wear the same mask each day. Lauren says her family is most comfortable when they can select their mask for the day. Maybe your family prefers a solid color, or perhaps they prefer a print from the amazing collection shopDisney has to offer. No matter your style, pack up as many as you desire.

Samantha agrees different styles for different days is a great recommendation, and she also suggests trying out a variety of disposable and cloth masks while running errands at home. For Samantha, this means having her children put their mask on before they leave their house and not removing it until they get home. “Then when you need to wear a mask for longer periods of time, like during your Walt Disney World Resort vacation, you’ll know which mask you find the most comfortable.”

planDisney Pro Tip: Bring a small package of detergent suggests Lauren. “I washed everyone’s (cloth face coverings) in our sink and hung them to dry overnight. Having a fresh and clean mask for the start of your park day really helps.”

The Florida sun is bright, but sometimes sunglasses and masks don’t mix well. Betsy has a suntastic idea for fixing this issue, wear a hat! “I get much better airflow to the rest of my face when I wear a hat with my mask AND I have less resting on my ears!”

And what about that teenager you ask? Our panelists agree that no matter if your child is 5 or 15, they key is allowing them to select their face covering. The more they like it, the better the chance they will not complain about wearing it! 

Remember, encouragement is a great tip to help your little one understand the importance of wearing his or her mask. Play games to keep their mind off the mask. And maybe, just maybe, the promise of a Mickey premium bar at the end of the day might be all the inspiration they need!

planDisney Pro Tip: Betsy talks to her kids a lot about “fighting the virus” and reminds them that wearing a mask makes them superheroes in helping with the battle! 

Break Time

Kristin says, “Don’t forget to get your snack on!” Her top tips include scheduling multiple snack and dining breaks throughout the day; giving you and your family a chance to rest and enjoy a delectable snack! 

planDisney Pro Tip: Make an Advanced Dining Reservation for lunch instead of dinner recommends Andrea H. “Take a break AND give your feet a rest by enjoying that special meal midday instead of waiting until later. You’ll feel rejuvenated in so many ways!”

Just back from a trip to the Most Magical Place on Earth, Aena can’t say enough great things about the Relaxation Stations. “They are wonderful! And there are indoor and outdoor Relaxation Stations to suit everyone’s preferences.” She adds that the Disney Resort pools are also a perfect place to cool off and relax.

As a reminder, face coverings are required for all guests (ages 2 and up). Guests must supply their own face covering and wear them at all times, except when dining or swimming. You may remove your face covering while actively eating or drinking, but you must be stationary and maintain appropriate physical distancing. So, from the parking lot, to the park, and back to the parking lot, don’t forget to wear a mask! Please also note neck gaiters, open-chin triangle bandanas and face coverings containing valves, mesh material or holes of any kind are not acceptable face coverings. For a list of other important items, be sure to review our commitment to health and safety measures.

The world looks different, but the magic of a Walt Disney World Resort vacation is still alive and well. planDisney wants to especially thank every Cast Member who helps to remind Guests about health and safety and to Guests who comply with the current protocols. Together we are truly making a difference!

If you have questions regarding operational updates or questions about your next Disney vacation, visit us at We are here to make your Disney vacation planning as easy as wearing your face covering!