Help Find the First Ever Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year!

You might remember back in May, we announced the exciting news that the search was on to find the first ever Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year, and now is your chance to help find the winners!

Disney and Points of Light, a
global nonprofit dedicated to accelerating people-powered change, teamed up to
scour the country for a special family who embodies the selfless traits of volunteerism – service, inspiration, courageous
spirit and teamwork.

After thousands of submissions from schools and nonprofits registered with the Disney Family Volunteering Reward Program, five amazing families have been chosen as the competition finalists, and it’ll be up to YOU to vote for who you want to win!

Each day, starting next Monday, Oct. 7 until Friday, Oct. 11, Good Morning America will feature one of the Top 5 families sharing the story of their incredible volunteer work, before officially launching a nationwide online vote on Oct. 11 to find out who will be the winners!

The winning family will be announced on GMA on Nov. 1 and will receive a dream vacation to Walt Disney World where they will be the guests of honor at a special event to celebrate Family Volunteer Day on Nov. 23. The nonprofit or school who nominated the family will also receive $10,000 to continue their important work in the community.

Make sure to tune into GMA next week to meet the incredible Top 5 families and keep visiting Diz Planet for more updates on the competition! If you and your family would like to get involved with family volunteering, you can visit Points of Light to find opportunities in your area or search DIY projects that cover a variety of issue areas. Nonprofits and schools in the U.S. can join the Disney Family Volunteering Reward Program and earn Disney Parks tickets by hosting volunteer family events.