Autopia Re-Opens With New Magic at Disneyland Paris

The newly refurbished Autopia zoomed to life this weekend at Disneyland Paris with a new look and feel – and a few surprises to delight guests!

The vehicles have been beautifully repainted with unique color schemes on each car and the track has been re-done. Even the coils reaching toward the sky can be seen in a new metallic color. In fact, keep an eye on the rooftop and you might just catch a light show which tells the story of Discoveryland.

Behind the scenes, the attraction is also sporting 1,500 new LED lights in place of projectors which reduces the electric power use from 450 kilowatts to 42 kilowatts! On top of a major energy saving, this lighting system now changes colors before your very eyes.

In the video below, artistic director Tracy Eck shares more about her team’s work to update this classic attraction which has its own unique theme at Disneyland Paris, imagining the future as seen by the visionaries of the past!