Don’t Forget to Vote for Volunteer Family of the Year!

Last week we shared how you could vote for the five incredible families in the running to be named the first ever Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year.

If you haven’t yet had a chance to cast your vote for the family who most inspires you, don’t worry, there’s still time as voting is open until Tuesday, Oct. 22!

To hear all about these amazing families and their volunteer stories, click on the videos below. To cast your vote, simply select the “Vote Now” bar on your favorite video and enter your details.

You can also help spread the word about the power of family volunteering by sharing the video you voted for using #VolunteerTogetherOne lucky family will be announced as the winner live on Good Morning America on Nov.1 and surprised with a dream vacation to Walt Disney World where they will be guests of honor at a special Family Volunteer Day celebration on Nov.23. Plus the nonprofit or school that nominated them will receive $10,000 to continue their important work.

Having trouble picking your favorite? The good news is, that while you can only vote once per day, you can vote again for another amazing family every day until Tuesday! 

Make sure to tune into GMA on Friday, Nov. 1 to see which family is heading to Walt Disney World and keep visiting Disney Park Blog for updates on Family Volunteer Day celebrations.

If you and your family would like to get involved with family volunteering, you can visit Points of Light to find opportunities in your area or search DIY projects that cover a variety of issue areas. Nonprofits and schools in the U.S. can join the Disney Family Volunteering Reward Program and earn Disney Parks tickets by hosting volunteer family events.