#DisneyMagicMoments: A Virtual Tour of Walt Disney Imagineering: Part 1

Walt Disney Imagineering is known for making the impossible possible. That’s why—despite our offices being closed—we are opening up our headquarters virtually for a tour on the Diz Planet.

Tours of Walt Disney Imagineering are rare. So rare, in fact, we are excited to bring you this video series to show you some of the unique spaces where innovation and storytelling combine to bring Disney stories, characters and worlds to life. 

A creative force, a historical treasure, a dream factory and a hub of science and technology, Walt Disney Imagineering is a place of legend and the only think tank created by Walt Disney himself. Ann Myers is ready to welcome you—let’s go!  

Stay tuned for the next video in our virtual tour series and don’t forget to check out Imagineering in a Box – a one-of-a-kind online learning experience from Disney Imagineers!