Member Services Shares Pro Tips for Planning Your Next Vacation

Whether inspired by a fresh block of paid time off or a fresh check from the IRS, a resolution to spend more time with our loved ones or a desire to put something fun on that costumed-goats calendar we got stuck with at the office Christmas party, all of us tend to focus on vacation planning during the early months of a new year. To help simplify the process of planning your family’s next vacation through the magic of Disney Vacation Club Membership, the Disney Files staff has gathered a few pro tips from our friends at Member Services.  

Go online: While Member Services Advisors are lovely, and we can certainly understand why you’d want to talk to them, many of the vital services they offer are available online at (Plan a Vacation tab), from making new reservations at Disney Vacation Club Resorts (beginning as early as 8 a.m. – a full hour before phone lines open) to modifying existing reservations around the neighborhood. And even if do prefer to make your reservations by phone, consider a pre-call visit to the website, where you’ll find tools that allow you to review points charts, check availability across multiple Disney Vacation Club Resorts and room types, and more. If you’re visiting the site during Member Services operating hours, you can even chat live online with a Member Services Advisor. 

Spend less time on the phone: While Member Services takes calls (at 800-800-9800) seven days a week (9 a.m.-9 p.m. Eastern on weekdays, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. on weekends), you’ll find the shortest wait times during afternoon hours Tuesday through Friday. Be sure to have your Membership Card handy, as you’ll be asked for information on that card. 

Be prepared with options: To avoid going back to the proverbial drawing board if your first choice of dates, resorts or accommodations isn’t available, have alternate choices in mind so you can quickly pivot to available options (some of which may even save you Vacation Points). Note that calling as early as possible in your booking window (11 months out from your desired check-in date at your home resort, 7 months out from your desired check-in date at other resorts) will maximize your chances of getting what you want, which is particularly critical during holidays and other peak travel periods.

Wherever your plans take you in 2020 and beyond, all of us at Disney Vacation Club hope your best vacation is the one you’ve yet to take. Oh, and if you’re picking up souvenirs for Disney Files staffers, we like just about anything edible, wearable or suitable for framing.