#FeelGoodFriday: Disney VoluntEARS Give Back With Heartfelt Letters to Our Military

There’s nothing better than the feeling of receiving a handwritten note from somebody who cares.

Today happens to be National Send a Card to a Friend Day, and as always, I’m feeling proud of our Disney VoluntEARS. For the past 25 years, compassionate cast members from all over the company and their family and friends have written, drawn and painted thousands of postcards for active duty U.S. military service members through Operation Uplift. This program is just one way Disney carries out a longstanding tradition of supporting active-duty military personnel and veterans, inspired by Walt and Roy Disney’s service during World War I.

Last year alone, Disney VoluntEARS from Walt Disney World Resort spent nearly 500 hours preparing over 10,000 handwritten postcards to send to troops serving domestically and overseas. These messages of gratitude make a positive impact for the men and women who serve our nation by reminding them that we are all thinking of them and the sacrifices they are making when they leave their own loved ones to defend our country.

One group that is particularly passionate about Operation Uplift is our Transportation VoluntEARS. Led by cast member Nancy Vidarte, who was awarded VoluntEAR of the Year at Walt Disney World Resort in 2017, this team of dedicated Cast Members and their friends and family contribute thousands of patriotic postcards each year.

Today and every day, I am so thankful for everything our Disney VoluntEARS do to serve the community. I’m hoping you feel inspired to send a card to someone who needs a little extra love today — I know I do.